Taxation Service
Every enterprise, personal and corporate, including not-for-profits, has taxation considerations. As each year passes, the authorities improve their methods and refine their approach. It is critical that the tax affairs of all such entities in such circumstances are fully understood and properly addressed. By its nature, tax legislation changes year to year and the interpretation of that legislation also evolves. This is the challenge that faces all taxpayers. It is very important that the challenge is balanced by an approach based on sound principles. Our approach falls into two areas – compliance and planning.
Tax Compliance
Tax compliance involves knowing what taxes apply to you and returning those taxes on time and in full. We approach this work in an organised and timely way. This ensures that you only pay the tax that is properly due, reclaim all credits available and have the greatest possible period of time between discovering any liability and paying that liability.
Commercial life contains enough surprises without the shock of a tax liability payable forthwith. We will tell you if you have a liability, how much it is and the latest date by which it must be paid.
Compliance work includes, but is not limited to, attending to payroll taxes, income tax, corporation tax, VAT, Capital Gains Tax and Capital Acquisition Tax in respect of gifts or inheritances.
Tax Planning
Tax planning possibilities arise in each of the tax types listed. This allows us to be alert to the opportunities that your circumstances allow for tax planning. Such planning revolves around ensuring the minimum tax is payable at the most opportune time.
We only recommend proposals that meet your circumstances and are approved under Revenue guidance. By looking ahead and applying our expertise, we will guide matters to the point of least tax.
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